Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lesson Plan: Day 2


1. WARM-UP/DO-NOW: Upon entering class, ask students to write two questions in their journals that they hope will be answered after they "attend" the "Women in the World Forum." Ask several students to share these questions and write them on the board. Examples of such questions include: Are there laws against divorce in China? Which regions/countries allow their girls to attend school with boys?

2. Each group should present to their peers in the "forum" and discuss their findings. What was surprising? Did they learn what they hoped to learn? What questions remain? Each student should take notes on the other groups' presentations, noting areas of commonality and difference between their own researched group of women and the others. Students will need their notes in order to complete the homework assignment. At the end of the forum, students should be provided with a checklist (either printed or on Bookbuilder) for them to check their progress on accomplishing the learning goals of the activity.

3. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK: Students individually respond to the following prompt (written on the board for students to copy before leaving class): "Based on what you have learned at the Women in the World Forum, write a reflective piece that looks towards the future. How can women strengthen or change their roles in their countries and in the world?" Allow students to respond to this either in an essay format, or using more creative methods such as videos, poetry etc.

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