Thursday, May 15, 2008

Justification: Description of Prototype Lesson

Description of Prototype Lesson

The prototype lesson is a social studies lesson on gender roles in society based on a New York Times article written by Marc Lacey about an unusual tribe of Kenyan women. There are clear learning goals for the students stated at the beginning of the lesson plan and the assessments would be formulated based on the learning goals. This lesson plan is developed for a classroom with diverse learning profiles anticipating learners who may be English Language Learners, hearing/visually impaired as well as demonstrate other learning problems such as attention deficit disorder. As such, the methods employed are designed to have multiple entry points for students with different learning strategies. Students are allowed to share their own background knowledge. Discussion and cooperative learning is employed to allow sharing of background knowledge and experiences related to the subject being studies. The materials used also cater for both the hearing and visually impaired by containing multiple media formats and both online and paper options for students who may be comfortable with different media. The following section would elaborate on the main principles from Universal Design for Learning (UDL) that informed the design of the prototype lesson plan.

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