Thursday, May 15, 2008

Justification: UDL Principles in Lesson Plan

UDL Principles in Prototype Lesson Plan

Given the diversity of learners in a classroom, an effective lesson plan would have to address the variety of needs that learners have. By adapting the goals, materials and media, teaching and techniques as well as means of assessment for different learners, students with different learning profiles should be able to benefit more from the lesson.


The goals of the unit are clearings stated in terms of knowing and understanding goals. Some of the constructs relevant to the learning goals are the common stereotypes of gender and profession, the role of women in the Umoja tribe in Kenya as well as how gender roles are performed and can change over time in society. What are construct irrelevant are auditory and visual perception as well as other academic skills which are important but not relevant in the context of this lesson unit. Having identified these goals, barriers to learning which are not relevant to the learning goals will be removed by providing multiple options in terms of media and material. Both the ongoing assessments and final assessment will also be reflective of the learning goals and are accessible in multiple media formats. The goals will be clearly explained to the students at the beginning of the topic in order to involve the students in the strategic process of goal-setting and monitoring their own learning.

Materials & Media

In order to effectively engage the recognition, affective and strategic networks of the students multiple options are provided for representation, expression and engagement.

At the beginning of the module, students are engaged by allowing them to take part in an activity that requires physical action and reflection on stereotypes of gender which is one of the learning goals. The presentation format of the activity involves both auditory and visual components such that students who have difficulty in either of the perceptual modality are still able to complete the exercise. A computer option is also available for response for students who may require special assistive technology due to motor difficulties or a printed option of responding is also possibly for students who prefer paper and pencil.

The main article guiding the unit is also provided in both online as well as printed format. In addition, for students who require extra-scaffolding, a Bookbuilder version of the article is also provided with extra sounds (as well as read aloud versions for the visually impaired) and images to further engage the students. In additional, resources related to gender issues in multiple formats such as video clips, music, artwork and articles will be provided for the students in order to further engage them while catering to students who may have difficulties in one format or more of the formats.

Finally, multiple means of expression are also provided by allowing students to present in the traditional poster boards format, as well as allowing them to access and use presentation and movie-making software in present their research findings in a different format that may have a stronger affective component in terms of visuals and sounds. In addition, students can carry on discussion both in class as well as online on forums and discussion boards allowing students who may feel threatened in the classroom to have a means of expression.

The language barrier is also overcome for English Language Learners by providing translators and dictionaries (both online and print) for challenging vocabulary items. For students who may understand concepts better non-linguistically, graphic organizers are provided to overcome the linearity of the textual format.

Overall, the basic principles guiding the use of media and materials are that different students have different needs and different media are able to address these needs differently. Also media that incorporates sound may be too impermanent if the students need to refer to the information more than once; they are useful for the visually impaired and are more useful in engaging the student’s affective network. As a summary, graphic organizers allow students to move beyond the linearity of text and see relationships and the big picture more clearly.

Teaching & Techniques

The teaching techniques employed in the lesson plan include teacher-led activity, cooperative learning as well as independent learning and online learning. The use of varied teaching methods allows students to be involved in the learning process through various means. Teacher-led activity allows students a scaffold and guide to the rest of the lesson while cooperative learning allows students to interact and share their knowledge and experiences as well as cooperate in the effort of research. However, there is a component of individual learning as well which allows student to develop their strategic skills.

Means of Assessments

One important distinction to be made in the means of assessment is that there’s both a self-assessment component as well as a final assessment. The self-assessment allows students to check on their learning progress and allows them to involve their strategic network in developing goal-setting and metacognitive skills.

The final assessment allows a variety of format for expression hence allowing students to choose the means most suitable for them without construct irrelevant barriers. Furthermore, the final assessment is marked on a student-developed rubric which would involve the strategic networks of the students as well as involve them affectively by motivating them.

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